The 5th International Workshop on
Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA)
September 15 – September 17, 2020
Loen, Norway
NB: Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, BFA 2020 will no longer be held in Granada, and will take place in Loen, Norway from September 15 to September 17 2020; the venue in Granada will be used for the upcoming BFA 2021, which will take place from September 6 to September 10 2021. Only participants from Norway will be able to attend BFA 2020 physically, but everyone will have the possibility to join the workshop online. We kindly ask our participants from outside of Norway to send an email to Dan.Zhang@uib.no with their name and affiliation in order to register for the workshop and receive links and instructions for the online workshop.
Boolean functions and more generally all the discrete structures used in error correcting coding, cryptography or communications, are highly active areas of research. The workshop Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA) is to provide a forum for researchers who are working on discrete functions and structures, particularly on Boolean functions, to exchange ideas and interests in open problems, and to further explore their applications in cryptography, error correcting codes and communications.
This workshop is organised by the Selmer Centre at the University of Bergen. It will take place at the Alexandra hotel in Loen, Norway between September 15 and September 17, 2020.
The awarding of the first George Boole International Prize will take place alongside the BFA workshop.
Important dates
Submission deadline | February 1 2020 |
Acceptance notification | March 1 2020 |
Registration deadline | August 10 2020 |
Camera-ready submission | April 15 2020 |
BFA 2020 | September 15 – September 17 2020 |
The program will consist of eight invited talks, eleven contributed talks, and will conclude with a 30-minute rump session on Thursday.
Tuesday, Sep 15 | Thursday, Sep 17 | ||
9:00 – 9:03 |
Welcome and George Boole prize winner announcement |
9:03 – 9:50 | Sihem Mesnager
Reader’s digest of “16-year achievements on Boolean functions and open problems |
Faruk Göloglu [video] | |
9:50 – 10:40 | Daniel Katz [video] | Cunsheng Ding [video]
The linear codes of t-designs held in the Reed-Muller and Simplex codes |
10:40 – 11:00 | Short break | Short break | |
11:00 – 11:30 | Sihem Mesnager and Sihong Su | Marco Calderini [video]
Differentially low uniform permutations from the Gold and the Bracken-Leander functions |
11:30 – 12:00 | Aleksandr Kutsenko [video] | Nurdagül Anbar, Tekgül Kalaycı and Wilfried Meidl [slides, video] | |
12:00 – 12:30 | Alexey Oblaukhov [video] | Pål Ellingsen, Patrick Felke, Constanza Riera, Pantelimon Stanica and Anton Tkachenko [video]
C-differentials, multiplicative uniformity and (almost) perfect c-nonlinearity |
12:30 – 14:00 | Break | Break | |
14:00 – 14:50 | Léo Perrin [video] | Nikolay Kaleyski | |
14:50 – 15:40 | Svetla Nikova [video]
Symmetric Key Techniques In Side-Channel Countermeasures: Implementing a New Threshold |
Kai-Uwe Schmidt | |
15:40 – 16:00 | Short break | Short break | |
16:00 – 16:30 | Petr Lisonek [slides] | François Rodier [video]
Non-linearity of the Carlet-Feng function, and repartition of Gauss sums |
16:30 – 17:00 | Jaeseong Jeong, Namhun Koo and Soonhak Kwon [video]
On Differentially 4-uniform Permutations with Low Carlitz Rank |
Wilfried Meidl and Isabel Pirsic [video] | |
17:00 – 17:15 | Nikolay Kolomeec [video] | Lyubomir Borissov [video]
On the Parity of Order of Elliptic Curve over Fp |
17:15 – 17:30 | Sachin Valera
Surface Codes and Quantum Memories |
For any question or request, please contact Marco Calderini