BFA 2019CommitteesInvited SpeakersCall for AbstractsAccepted AbstractsList of ParticipantsProgramTravelRegistrationVenueAccommodationPhotos
Accepted Abstracts:
- A. Musukwa, M. Sala, M. Zaninelli: On the derivatives of Balanced functions
- L. Budaghyan, N. Kaleyski, C. Riera, P. Stanica: Partially APN Functions with APN-like Polynomial Representations
- F. Göloğlu, J. Pavlů: Search for APN permutations among known APN functions
- L. Budaghyan, M. Calderini, C. Carlet, N. Kaleyski: On a relationship between Gold and Kasami functions and other power APN functions
- P. Felke: The Multivariate Method strikes again: New Power Mappings with Low Differential Uniformity in odd Characteristic
- Y. Xia, X. Zhang, C. Li: The Differential Spectrum of A Ternary Power Mapping
- C. Kaşıkcı: Shifted plateaued functions and their differential properties
- M. Jókay, P. Špaček, P. Zajac: Linear and differential properties of S-boxes with respect to modular addition
- M. Calderini, I. Vila: On the Boomerang Uniformity of some Permutation Polynomials
- A. Kutsenko: Isometric mappings of the set of all Boolean functions into itself which preserve self-duality and the Rayleigh quotient
- A. Çesmelioğlu, W. Meidl, A. Pott: Vectorial bent functions in odd characteristic and their components
- P. Lisonek: Kloosterman Zeros and Vectorial Bent Functions
- M. F. Ezerman, A. Aqsa Fahreza, J. Szmidt: Perturbation of Binary de Bruijn Sequences and the Spectral Theory of Graphs
- N. Anbar: Permutations of the Form x^k-γ Tr(x) and Curves over Finite Fields
- Y. Borissov: On the Distinctness of Some Kloosterman Sums
- A. Oblaukhov: Metrically regular subsets of the Boolean cube
- O. Olmez: Links Between Plateaued Functions and Partial Geometric Difference Sets
- R. Alléaume: Quantum-Computational Hybrid Cryptography based on the Boolean Hidden Matching Problem
- Ç. Çalık, M. Sönmez Turan, R. Peralta: Boolean Functions with Multiplicative Complexity 3 and 4
- L. T. A. N. Brandão, Ç. Çalık, M. Dworkin, N. Dykas, R. Peralta, M. Sönmez Turan: Research Directions on the Complexity of Boolean Circuits for Codes and Cryptography
- C. Gravel D. Panario: Squeezing a vectorial nonlinear binary transformation between the generator and parity check matrices of a linear code
- N. T. Courtois: On the Existence of Boolean Functions Resistant Against Non-Linear Invariant Attacks
- L. Budaghyan, C. Carlet, D. Davidova, T. Helleseth, F. Ihringer, T. Penttila: Relation between o-equivalence and EA-equivalence for Niho bent functions
- L. Budaghyan, N. Kaleyski: Generalized Binomial APN Functions