BFA 2024

The 9th International Workshop on

Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA)

Dedicated to Prof. Claude Carlet’s 75th anniversary

September 9-13, 2024, Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, Croatia

Organised by the Selmer Center


Important dates Committees Submission Registration Accommodation

Boolean functions and more generally all the discrete structures used in error-correcting coding, cryptography or communications, are highly active research areas. The workshop Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA) provides a forum for researchers who are working on discrete functions and structures, particularly on Boolean functions, to exchange ideas and interests in open problems, and to further explore their applications in cryptography, error correcting codes and communications.

Important Dates


Submission deadline May 15, 2024
Acceptance notification July 1, 2024
Camera-ready submission August 1, 2024
Early registration deadline for physical participation July 15, 2024
Registration deadline for physical participation August 17, 2024
Video submission of presentations August 20, 2024
BFA 2024 September 09 – September 13, 2024


General Chairs

  • Lilya Budaghyan, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Nikolay Kaleyski, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Stjepan Picek, Radboud University, the Netherlands 

Program Chairs

  • Daniel Katz, California State University, Northridge, USA
  • Sihem Mesnager, Université Paris 8, France

Program Committee

  • Nurdagül Anbar, Sabancı University, MDBF, Turkey
  • Christof Beierle, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
  • Marco Calderini, University of Trento, Italy
  • Ondřej Čepek, Charles University in Prague, Czech
  • Ayça Çesmelioglu, Ozyegin University, Turkey
  • Robert S. Coulter, University of Delaware, USA
  • Joan Daemen, Radboud University, the Netherlands
  • Patrick Felke, Hochschule Emden/Leer, Germany
  • Faruk Göloglu, Charles University in Prague, Czech
  • Daniel Katz, California State University, USA (co-chair)
  • Chunlei Li, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Wilfried Meidl, Sabanci Alpen-Adria-Universit Austria and Sabancı University Turkey
  • Sihem Mesnager, Universities of Paris VIII and Sorbonne University North, France (Co-chair)
  • Ferruh Özbudak, Sabanci University, Turkey
  • Mohit Pal, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Enes Pasalic, University of Primorska, Slovenia
  • George Petrides, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
  • Vincent Rijmen, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • Massimiliano Sala, University of Trento, Italy
  • Pantelimon Stanica, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, USA
  • Irene Villa, University of Genoa, Italy
  • Qiang Wang, Carleton University, Canada

Organizing Committee

  • Enrico Piccione, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Nadiia Ichanska, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Samuele Andreoli, University of Bergen, Norway

Confirmed invited speakers

  • Markus Grassl, University Gdansk
  • Sylvain Guilley, TELECOM-ParisTech
  • Tor Helleseth, University of Bergen, Norway
  • Gregor Leander, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
  • Gábor Péter Nagy, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Contributed presentations and tutorials

  • Claude Carlet, University of Paris VIII, France and University of Bergen, Norway
  • Sihem Mesnager, University of Paris VIII and Sorbonne University North, France
  • Stjepan Picek, Radboud University, the Netherlands


We request previously unpublished results on all aspects of discrete structures, particularly on Boolean functions and their applications in cryptography, coding theory, combinatorics, quantum computing, etc. Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Foundational theory of Boolean functions and discrete structures
  • Design, proposal, and analysis of cryptographically significant (vectorial) Boolean functions
  • The study of applications of (vectorial) Boolean functions to cryptography, codes and other discrete structures
  • Theory and construction of quantum Boolean functions
  • Theory of finite fields and its applications in cryptography and coding theory

All participants who wish to contribute a 15-20 minute talk are invited to submit an abstract that summarizes their work in PDF format before May 15, 2024. The abstract should be between 4 and 5 pages, using at least 11-point font and reasonable margins. The abstracts should be submitted via Easychair.

The authors of the accepted abstracts will have a choice of presenting in person at the venue or online via Zoom. It is a requirement that videos with records of presentations are submitted by August 20, 2024.

The authors of accepted abstracts and the invited speakers will be invited to submit a full paper to appear (after a new round of reviewing) in a special issue in the journal: Cryptography and Communications: Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences. At least one author of each accepted abstract should register before August 17, 2024. Furthermore, we note that talks will be given physically whenever possible.


Registration for BFA 2024 is now open. It is possible to register for physical participation (according to the prices below), or for online participation (free of charge).

To register for physical participation, please fill out the physical participation registration form.

To register for online participation, please fill out the online participation registration form. The deadline for online registration is September 4. Please note that at least one of the authors of each presented paper must have registered before August 17, even if all authors are participating online. A Zoom link for online participation will be sent out to everyone who has registered shortly before the beginning of the workshop.

Early registration — up to July 15 (student) 5000 NOK (approx. 450 EUR)
Early registration — up to July 15 (regular) 5500 NOK (approx. 500 EUR)
Late registration — from July 15 to August 17 (student) 5500 NOK (approx. 500 EUR)
Late registration — from July 15 to August 17 (regular) 6000 NOK (approx. 550 EUR)

If you want to bring an accompanying person, you need to make a separate registration for them through the physical participation form. Please make sure to specify who the person is accompanying in the comments field. The prices are the following (up to August 17).

Full package (lunches + welcome reception + banquet + excursion) 4500 NOK (approx. 380 Euro)
Half-package (welcome reception + banquet + excursion) 3000 NOK (approx. 260 Euro)
Excursion only 1300 NOK (approx. 110 Euro)


Participants will be able to book a room at a student dormitory. The dormitory is located right at the Inter-University Centre where the workshop takes place, and is the most convenient option for participants. More information is available on the dormitory’s webpages. The prices are as follows:

  • Single bed room with breakfast: 85 EUR per night
  • Double bed room with breakfast: 100 EUR per night (50 EUR per person)

You can book a room at the dormitory here, or you can use the code BFA2024 through the dormitory’s webpages linked above.

Participants are of course also welcome to book private accommodation at an apartment or hotel. We estimate the price to be around 400 EUR for the duration of the conference in the case of private accommodation, and 800 EUR for a hotel. More details will be provided soon.
