BFA 2024 Submission

Home Committees Program Excursion Submission Registration Accommodation List of participants Accepted abstracts

We request previously unpublished results on all aspects of discrete structures, particularly on Boolean functions and their applications in cryptography, coding theory, combinatorics, quantum computing, etc. Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Foundational theory of Boolean functions and discrete structures
  • Design, proposal, and analysis of cryptographically significant (vectorial) Boolean functions
  • The study of applications of (vectorial) Boolean functions to cryptography, codes and other discrete structures
  • Theory and construction of quantum Boolean functions
  • Theory of finite fields and its applications in cryptography and coding theory

All participants who wish to contribute a 15-20 minute talk are invited to submit an abstract that summarizes their work in PDF format before May 15, 2024. The abstract should be between 4 and 5 pages, using at least 11-point font and reasonable margins. The abstracts should be submitted via Easychair.

The authors of the accepted abstracts will have a choice of presenting in person at the venue or online via Zoom. It is a requirement that videos with records of presentations are submitted by August 20, 2024.

The authors of accepted abstracts and the invited speakers will be invited to submit a full paper to appear (after a new round of reviewing) in a special issue in the journal: Cryptography and Communications: Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences. At least one author of each accepted abstract should register before August 17, 2024. Furthermore, we note that talks will be given physically whenever possible.